Small Groups

Welcome to our small group page! Are you looking for a small group to attend, we have just the place for you. Start Fresh small groups are uplifting and allowing people to free themselves from the release of traumatic experience in their lives. Small Groups assist clients and their families to realize that they are not alone. Small group sessions allow clients and family to identify with their peers and gain insight on their negative choices and behaviors.

Start Fresh small groups encourage clients to build relationships with other members, creating long-term friendships and improved self-awareness. As Clients build relationships and learn from each other, they realize their need to change and to embrace that change while making empowered decision. .

Come and see for yourself Join us today!

Check out our monthly calendar for upcoming groups. Groups range anywhere from $20-$25 per group please complete the registration form and fax to (813)381-5140. The days of meeting will be subject to change due to holidays and different events that may occur. All clients will be notify of any changes made.

Small Group Registration Form

Make a Payment

Visit the Office

Contact Us

We look forward to hearing from you

My Availability





10:00 am - 5:00 pm


10:00 am - 5:00 pm


10:00 am - 5:00 pm


10:00 am - 5:00 pm





135 N Moon Ave 
Brandon, FL, 33510, US